Saturday, May 15, 2010

Retail Therapy

There is nothing like doing normal things to try and return yourself to a sense of normalcy... So it was off to wags and cvs for me this week. Unfortunately, my wags was out of the razors, which is rather unusual since that store is really strict on the limits thing.

$2.99 eos shave cream
$1.50 skippy peanut butter
$0.69 pantyhose
Used $3 and $2 rr's, paid $1.11 including tax and got a $3 rr back

$4.99 u pantyliners
$0.99 cvs conditioner
-$1 cvs hair crt
-$1 u Manf coupon
-$3 EBs
Paid 0.98 plus whatever the tax was, got $4.99 EB back

Cvs trip 2
$3.50 each, 2 crest toothpaste
$2 reach floss
$0.99 green bag
$0.99 green tag
$3 dove dark chocolates
$1 carefree panty liners
-$1 carefree q
-$1 reach floss q
-2*$0.75 crest q
-$1 wyb green bag and green tag CRT
-$9 EBs
Paid 2.34 including tax, and got $9 extra bucks back.

I probably could have found a more frugal filler to allow me to use $9 extra bucks, but frankly I needed the chocolate. Sometimes a gal needs the chocolate.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Sadness

My uncle's death was caused by a stroke, as was suspected. One of the arteries to his brain was all but completely blocked, despite the fact that he was a portrait of health- didn't smoke, barely drank, and as far as excercise- the man climbed Mt. Whitney last year. He also had an enlarged heart, which is only detectable by Echo (heart sonnogram) and MRI, though I'm not sure the heart was related directly to the stroke. He was 49.

I really wish people would stop dying when they aren't supposed to.

May 5th is always a bit of a rough day, as it marks the anniversary of my father's death. So when my Mom called me this morning crying, at first I thought that was why. I wish. Her brother passed away in his sleep, my aunt woke up in the middle of the night to find him not breathing.

Awesome. Just awesome. Seems like there is a big party going on upstairs, and I really wish they'd stop sending out invitations to people that still belong down here on the ground.